Ceremonies Solemnly Held in Connection with Public Holidays


  • Ziwar Askarova Art and culture of Uzbekistan Lecturer at the Nukus branch of the institute
  • Lola Maxamatdinova Art and culture of Uzbekistan Lecturer at the Nukus branch of the institute


Musical folk instruments, art, national performance, scientists of the east, folklore


There are many regions and districts of Uzbekistan. Each area has its own tradition of wedding ceremonies. So while marriage, bridegroom, cradle, and circumcision are common national traditions, there are some differences in the small, minor activities.

One of the most ancient ceremonies is the mourning period. Avesto, which has been created for almost 3,000 years, is also known for its burial. The book Devonu Dictionary-T-Turk by Mahmud Koshgari provides examples of mourning.




How to Cite

Askarova, Z. ., & Maxamatdinova, L. . (2022). Ceremonies Solemnly Held in Connection with Public Holidays. Miasto Przyszłości, 27, 181–183. Retrieved from https://miastoprzyszlosci.com.pl/index.php/mp/article/view/532