On An Ill-Posed Problem For of the Biharmonic Equation in the Hemisphere


  • Tolipov Nodirjon Isaqovich Докторант Ферганского государственного университета
  • Tulakova Ziyodaxon Rivojidinova Senior lecturer of Fergana branch of TUTU


Biharmonic equation, Ill-posed problem, Hemisphere, Conditional well-posedness, Stability theorem, Fourier coefficients, Regularization parameter, Mathematical physics


This article addresses an ill-posed problem related to the biharmonic equation within a hemispherical domain. It explores the absence of continuous dependency of solutions on the problem's input data and establishes a framework for conditional well-posedness. The study includes a theorem characterizing the stability conditions for the biharmonic equation, utilizing Fourier series and regularization techniques for approximating solutions. A metric-based estimation of errors between exact and approximate solutions is also provided. The article contributes to the understanding and resolution of ill-posed problems in mathematical physics, emphasizing the selection of optimal regularization parameters for improved solution stability and accuracy.




How to Cite

Isaqovich, T. N. ., & Rivojidinova, T. Z. . (2024). On An Ill-Posed Problem For of the Biharmonic Equation in the Hemisphere. Miasto Przyszłości, 54, 1145–1148. Retrieved from https://miastoprzyszlosci.com.pl/index.php/mp/article/view/5388