The Important Role the Student Portfolio in the Development of Students’ Intellectual Skills


  • Saidov Mansurjon Inomjonovich Teacher of Fergana branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies
  • Ro‘zimatova maxpuza Xolmuxammedovna Teacher of Fergana branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies


intellectual, ability, cognitive, metacognitive, portfolio


In this article, motivation, cognition and metacognition are important aspects of the student portfolio in the development of students' intellectual abilities. v components are lit. At the time of current development, every country is obliged to strengthen its future and think about its tomorrow. To educate the young generation in our country, to support them in every way, to keep talented and capable young people active. A lot of opportunities have been created for i and the conditions are sufficient for everyone.




How to Cite

Inomjonovich , S. M. ., & Xolmuxammedovna, R. maxpuza . (2024). The Important Role the Student Portfolio in the Development of Students’ Intellectual Skills. Miasto Przyszłości, 54, 1164–1168. Retrieved from

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