Guide to competent work of academic voice and study of the art of working on overtones in the production


  • Vaitova Sati Vakhidovna 1st year master's student of the Bukhara institute of psychology and foreign languages


voices when singing, timbre


The article reveals a genre in folk singing art that requires a certain timbre design. The same singer usually uses different timbre colors of his voice when singing, for example, ditties or heartfelt lyrical songs. As pedagogical practice shows, students learn authentic traditions of timbre sound of the voice when performing folk songs of various genres, mainly by ear, while modern computer technologies of spectrography allow you to actively include the visual channel of perception of the singer's voice timbre, which helps optimize the process of learning folk singing.




How to Cite

Vakhidovna , V. S. . (2024). Guide to competent work of academic voice and study of the art of working on overtones in the production. Miasto Przyszłości, 54, 1244–1250. Retrieved from