Ways to Maximize Profit in Textile Industry Enterprises


  • Kholmirzaev Furkatbek Mukhtarjonovich Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics of the “University of Economics and Pedagogy”NGHEO. Andijan, Uzbekistan


organization of production, economy of resources, variability of production processes, automation of production, social efficiency


The article discusses the issues of the organization of production in modern conditions, the principles that should be taken into account in it’s improvement, the tasks facing enterprises today, the main directions of modernization of production based on the use of automated control systems. The article also discusses various methods of organizing production in foreign countries, as well as the main problems and ways of solutions in the study area.




How to Cite

Mukhtarjonovich, K. F. . (2025). Ways to Maximize Profit in Textile Industry Enterprises. Miasto Przyszłości, 56, 159–161. Retrieved from https://miastoprzyszlosci.com.pl/index.php/mp/article/view/5984