A Comparative Study of the Level of Blood Glucose and Some Functional Indicators Among Students Who Abstain and Do Not Abstain From Breakfast Practices for a Fitness Lecture


  • Mohammed Hasan Tuaimah University of Thi-Qar, College of Physical Education & Sport Science, Thi-Qar, 64001


Breakfast is the cornerstone of a healthy day for people who exercise early in the morning, breakfast helps their bodies to transform metabolism from the state of catabolism to the state of construction, and this is enough motivation for athletes to make sure to wake up early and eat breakfast before their day begins, and the benefits of breakfast are reflected in the lives of athletes quickly as soon as they commit to eating it on a daily basis, as it is noted that health improves and activity increases after one week of Adhere to the daily breakfast routine and include the benefits of eating a healthy breakfast for athletes, including feeling more energy during the day, ease of concentration in the exercise classes, gaining a greater ability to accomplish exercise, and feeling less tired during the day because breakfast has a role in reducing the level of bad cholesterol and reducing high blood pressure, etc.

The research aimed at a comparative study of some physiological variables of sugar and systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and respiratory rate among students abstaining and non-abstaining from breakfast practices for the lecture of physical fitness, and the fact that the research problem is related to Directly in the lecture of physical fitness, which is one of the courses that occupy an important rank in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences and through the researcher's access to the lecture on physical fitness and the fact that the researcher specializes in sports nutrition He noticed that there is a problem that occurs among students who practice physical effort in the fitness lecture that they suffer from a decrease in the level of their performance and their feeling of thinness, dizziness, nausea and the desire to vomit, so the researcher saw that the morning breakfast has a clear effect on sugar Blood and some functional indicators such as (systolic and diastolic blood pressure and heart rate) among female students.

As for the conclusions, where this study showed that blood glucose levels decrease before eating breakfast and at the normal level in the case of fasting, but the level of glucose rises after breakfast, The possibility of using blood glucose levels as a measure to raise the level of concentration among students during practical lectures.

(Food, breakfast, blood glucose, heart muscle)




How to Cite

Tuaimah, M. H. . (2025). A Comparative Study of the Level of Blood Glucose and Some Functional Indicators Among Students Who Abstain and Do Not Abstain From Breakfast Practices for a Fitness Lecture. Miasto Przyszłości, 56, 268–272. Retrieved from https://miastoprzyszlosci.com.pl/index.php/mp/article/view/6007