Efficiency and Elaborateness: Exploring Linguistic Balance in Uzbek and English


  • Rasulov Zubaydullo Izomovich Doctor of Science, Professor Bukhara state universiteti, Bukhara, Uzbekistan
  • Oripova Sabrina Jalol qizi I year student of master degree


linguistic balance, language economy, redundancy, Uzbek language, English language, language development, grammatical structure, language evolution, linguistic principles, communicative clarity.


This article explores the relationship between efficiency and elaborateness in language, focusing on their roles in linguistic development. By analyzing how these principles shape Uzbek and English, the study discusses their implications for communication and language structure. The examination of these principles is informed by linguistic theories and observations on how they manifest in different language systems. The paper aims to offer a comprehensive understanding of the dynamic relation between economy and redundancy in language, highlighting the adaptive strategies used by the Uzbek and English speakers.




How to Cite

Rasulov Zubaydullo Izomovich, & Oripova Sabrina Jalol qizi. (2025). Efficiency and Elaborateness: Exploring Linguistic Balance in Uzbek and English. Miasto Przyszłości, 56, 274–277. Retrieved from https://miastoprzyszlosci.com.pl/index.php/mp/article/view/6009