The Role of Neological Words in Uzbek Poetry in Recent Years


  • Saidova Khurshida Fakhriddinovna Uzbekistan, Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute, Teacher of the Uzbek language and literature department


new words, borrowed words, occasionalism


In this article, the use of new words that entered the Uzbek language after independence in the work of poets, the study of neological words in Uzbek poetry in the next 20 years is devoted. Researches show that words that have been acquired from abroad or that have arisen on the basis of the possibilities of the Uzbek language make up a small number of words in our poetry. Relatively new words in the Uzbek language can be found in the humorous poems of Iqbal Mirza, a bright representative of modern Uzbek literature, and Khurshid Karim, a young poet.




How to Cite

Fakhriddinovna , S. K. . (2025). The Role of Neological Words in Uzbek Poetry in Recent Years. Miasto Przyszłości, 58, 115–120. Retrieved from