Family as a Subject of Civil Law


  • U. Sh. Shorakhmetova professor at Civil Law Department of TSUL


family, family legal relations, subjects and objects of family law


The family is a factor that ensures continuity of generations, values, customs and traditions, as well as the transfer of the spiritual heritage of our people from generation to generation. Because of this, family support is of particular importance in connection with the dynamic processes taking place in society today and its changing status. This is due to the fact that the number of divorces is increasing as a result of the violation of family traditions, the birth rate is decreasing in a healthy environment, the number of children born out of wedlock and children deprived of parental care is increasing, the approach to family relations is changing dramatically, and therefore the improvement of the institutional basis for ensuring the guarantees of family interests in a new context throughout the world. is becoming a necessity. In this regard, the purpose and tasks of the article are determined, the author systematically analyzes the family as a subject of legal relations, and gives an understanding of the subject of law, considering the family as a subject of legal relations.




How to Cite

Shorakhmetova , U. S. . (2022). Family as a Subject of Civil Law. Miasto Przyszłości, 29, 411–414. Retrieved from