Difficulties in Listening and Understanding Speech in a Foreign Language


  • Abduvalieva Shalola Sadriddin qizi Teacher of Samarkand School of law, the department of General education subjects


listening skill, comprehension, speech activity, formative difficulty, content difficulty, speech perception


Listening speech is a main skill in teaching and learning foreign langugaes. By the help of that skill learners can increase their other skills as well. That’s why this skill can be differentiated from others with these kinds of features. This article describes some difficulties in listening and understanding speech in a foreign language and analyzes effective solutions for them.




How to Cite

qizi, A. S. S. . (2022). Difficulties in Listening and Understanding Speech in a Foreign Language. Miasto Przyszłości, 30, 170–171. Retrieved from https://miastoprzyszlosci.com.pl/index.php/mp/article/view/873