Taxonomy of Speech Activity in Pedagogues Teaching a Foreign Language


  • Ashurova Shaxzoda Shavkatovna Karshi State University, An Independent Researcher


conceptual, consent, reproductive types, intentionality, cycles, ambiguities, compatibility, perception, violation, consensus.


This article can be considered from the point of view of the purposeful nature of the professional activity of teachers conducting training in a foreign language. It serves as a conceptual basis for the formation of speech-normative activity - as a practical database that forms the concepts and signs of the purposeful professional thinking of the teacher. Acts of speech communication include interrelated processes - speech pronunciation, speech understanding and speech performance. A pedagogue teaching a foreign language "must have individual psychological characteristics that determine the success of an activity or a series of activities" in order to manage constructive speech activities.




How to Cite

Ashurova Shaxzoda Shavkatovna. (2024). Taxonomy of Speech Activity in Pedagogues Teaching a Foreign Language. Miasto Przyszłości, 54, 137–140. Retrieved from