US Strategy in Afghanistan: Military and Civilian Aspects


  • Rustam R. Rashidov Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Political Sciences, Associate Professor of UWED, Uzbekistan


Afghan war, Operation Enduring Freedom, Strategy, Military efforts, Insurgency, ISAF, ANSF


The U.S. has a poor history of making effective efforts to learn the lessons of its recent wars, and it is already focusing on other strategic issues, and the crises that are following the collapse of Afghanistan. It will be all too easy for U.S. policymakers and the Congress to ignore the need to learn from the preceding twenty years of conflict and to fail to preserve the data and institutions necessary to learn as much from the war and the collapse of the Afghan government and forces as possible.




How to Cite

Rashidov , R. R. . (2023). US Strategy in Afghanistan: Military and Civilian Aspects. Miasto Przyszłości, 33, 234–238. Retrieved from