The Importance of Using Dictionaries in Foreign Language Learning and Teaching


  • Yulduz Tashmuradovna Niyazova Karshi Engineering and Economic Institute, teacher at the Department of Foreign Languages


lexicography, dictionary, information literacy, competence, etymological dictionaries, enrich vocabulary


The current stage of improving the teaching of a foreign language is characterized by a focus on the development of schoolchildren and students as individuals who are fully proficient in speech in all its forms. The most important component of the process of development of a linguistic personality is the formation of the ability to use dictionaries in educational and cognitive activities as a source of knowledge and a means of self-development. However, work with dictionaries both at school and at university has not received sufficient attention. Therefore, this problem remains quite relevant.




How to Cite

Niyazova, Y. T. . (2023). The Importance of Using Dictionaries in Foreign Language Learning and Teaching. Miasto Przyszłości, 40, 490–495. Retrieved from