Main Directions of Development of the Agricultural Industry in the Conditions of Economic Modernization


  • Mamazhanova Saida Vakhabzhanovna Senior Teacher, Department of Economics, Gulistan State University, Uzbekistan


agricultural industry, development


This scientific article examines the current issues and challenges facing the modern agricultural sector in the context of economic restructuring. The study presents a comprehensive analysis of the main directions of development of the agricultural industry, including increasing productivity, innovation implementation, infrastructure and logistics development, as well as enhancing competitiveness in the global market. The authors propose practical recommendations and measures of state support aimed at stimulating the development of the agricultural sector and increasing its resilience in a changing economic environment.




How to Cite

Vakhabzhanovna, M. S. . (2024). Main Directions of Development of the Agricultural Industry in the Conditions of Economic Modernization. Miasto Przyszłości, 48, 660–667. Retrieved from