Spectral Characteristics of Solar Cells Based on Cu 2-X S-Cds With Deep Impurity Levels


  • Bakirov Eldorbek Valijon o`g`li Fergana branch of TATU named after Muhammad al-Khorazmi, assistant
  • Fozilova Mohichehra Fergana branch of TATU named after Muhammad al-Khorazmi, assistant
  • Abdubannobov Mo`ydinjon Iqboljon o`g`li Fergana branch of TATU named after Muhammad al-Khorazmi, assistant


Cu2-xS-CdS, Spectral dependence of U xx SE Cu 2-x S-CdS, Cu 2-х S-CdS confirm the validity of these arguments


With a doped layer thickness of the order of several hundred angstroms, due to the Cd concentration gradient in Cu2-xS, an electric field of about 105 V/cm should appear. Many experimental data on the study of electrical and photoelectric characteristics of Cu2-xS-CdS heterojunctions confirm the validity of these considerations. A band diagram of solar cells based on Cu2-xS-CdS is proposed.




How to Cite

Valijon o`g`li, B. E. ., Mohichehra , F. ., & Iqboljon o`g`li , A. M. . (2024). Spectral Characteristics of Solar Cells Based on Cu 2-X S-Cds With Deep Impurity Levels. Miasto Przyszłości, 54, 490–494. Retrieved from https://miastoprzyszlosci.com.pl/index.php/mp/article/view/5251

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