The Main Agrotechnical Properties of Walnut Fruit Plants


  • Kimsanova Khalida Azamovna Assistant of the Department” fruit and vegetable growing and viticulture " of the Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnology
  • Тursunboeva Mastura Khusanboy is a student of the" fruit and vegetable and viticulture " direction
  • Rahmatov Mirjalol Nodirbek fruit and vegetable and viticulture " student


Nut fruit crops include nuts, Manchurian nuts, pecan or sermoy nuts, almonds


Nut fruit crops include nuts, Manchurian nuts, pecan or sermoy nuts, almonds, pistachios. The most common of these are nuts, almonds and pistachios. All parts of the nut are used. Walnut fruit kernels are a very tasty and nutritious product and contain 60-70% oil, 11-20% protein, up to 20% carbohydrates and vitamins. Raw nuts contain more than 3-5 barovars of vitamin C than naamatak. In terms of satiety, walnuts are superior to bread, meat and stand close to butter.




How to Cite

Azamovna, K. K. ., Khusanboy Т. M. ., & Nodirbek, R. M. . (2024). The Main Agrotechnical Properties of Walnut Fruit Plants. Miasto Przyszłości, 54, 646–650. Retrieved from

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