Modern Approach to Diagnosing Cerebrovascular Diseases


  • Abduraimova Dinora Mirzakul qizi Department of Neurology, Samarkand State Medical University, 1st year clinical resident
  • Qodirov Umid Arzikulovich Assistant to the Department of Neurology, Samarkand State Medical University
  • Khakimova Sokhiba Ziyadulloyevna Scientific supervisor, Department of Neurology, Samarkand State Medical University, head of the department


dyscirculatory encephalopathy, chronic cerebral ischemia, asymptomatic cerebral infarction


Patients with NCF caused by cerebrovascular pathology are characterized by a decrease in mental activity and the speed of information processing, as well as a relatively milder severity of disorders of some higher brain functions (aphasia, agnosia, apraxia). The diagnosis is based on determining the vascular nature of the process, identifying the NCF syndrome itself and assessing its severity. Treatment of patients with NCF with chronic cerebrovascular accidents includes the correction of modifiable cardiovascular risk factors and the use of drugs that improve metabolism in the brain. One of these drugs is Cytoflavin, which has a significant neuroprotective effect. Data are presented on the effectiveness of Cytoflavin in patients with various forms of chronic cerebrovascular diseases. In such patients, a positive effect of the drug on the state of cognitive functions has been proven.




How to Cite

Mirzakul qizi, A. D., Arzikulovich, Q. U., & Ziyadulloyevna, K. S. (2025). Modern Approach to Diagnosing Cerebrovascular Diseases. Miasto Przyszłości, 56, 167–172. Retrieved from

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