The Role of a Music Leader in Musical Education of Preschool and Primary School Children


  • Kalkorazova Shahrizada 2nd year student of music education at Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz


music, method, teacher, methodsong, program


Colorful melodies from children's instruments introduce children to the sound of words. It creates in them a pleasant spiritual atmosphere, such as pleasure, joy. In the content of the program, in addition to the introduction to instruments, the task is to teach the student to perform simple creative techniques with the help of age-appropriate percussion words and musical toys. At the age of kindergarten, the first foundations of children's musical creativity begin to appear.




How to Cite

Shahrizada, K. (2022). The Role of a Music Leader in Musical Education of Preschool and Primary School Children. Miasto Przyszłości, 126–127. Retrieved from