A Study on the Teaching Media Used by the English Teacher


  • Erjanbaeva Gulayim Shadlikbaevna 1st year student of the Faculty of Foreign Languages of Nukus State Pedagogical Institute


English, media, teaching, study, teacher, modern methods, book, video, YouTube


English teachers frequently employ teaching materials when instructing students in Uzbekistan's schools. Because motivation is one of the key components of a successful learning process, the instructor employs media to boost students' motivation. Additionally, using instructional media enables the teacher to connect students with culturally pertinent events in order to accomplish the teaching and learning objective. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to identify the teaching tools that an English instructor uses, as well as their advantages and disadvantages. We can talk about facts from a study on the teaching tools that English teachers utilize in this article.




How to Cite

Shadlikbaevna, E. G. . (2022). A Study on the Teaching Media Used by the English Teacher. Miasto Przyszłości, 25, 122–124. Retrieved from https://miastoprzyszlosci.com.pl/index.php/mp/article/view/315