The Artistic Charm of the Novel “Fields Left Over From My Father"


  • Islamjon Yakubov doctor of philological Sciences, professor of Department “World literature and Comparative Literature", Tashkent State University of Uzbek language and literature named after Alisher Navoi


novel, literary character


In this article, one of the famous writers who introduced a new wave into the Uzbek national prose of the twentieth century - the novel “Fields Left by My Father” by Togay Murad - examines the issue of the priority of the ironic-satirical spirit in the theme and style of the work. The novel is examined in the context of the modern literary process. The examples prove that the image of the peasant was created as a parody of the “heroes of labor”, written with pleasure in prose of the Soviet period.




How to Cite

Islamjon Yakubov. (2024). The Artistic Charm of the Novel “Fields Left Over From My Father". Miasto Przyszłości, 49, 241–244. Retrieved from