Cryptocurrency Adoption in Uzbekistan: a Comprehensive Analysis of Regulatory Stance, Interest Rate, and Potential Impact on the Financial System


  • Shoh-Jаkhon Khаmdаmov Associаte professort of the Internаtionаl school of Finаnce аnd Technology Institute
  • Asomiddinova Nigora a student of the MT-93 group at TSUE
  • Asomiddinova Nigora a student of the MT-93 group at TSUE


Cryptocurrency, Interest Rate


The adoption of cryptocurrencies in Uzbekistan is a rapidly evolving phenomenon that presents both opportunities and challenges for the country’s financial system. This thesis investigates the current adoption rate of cryptocurrencies in Uzbekistan, analyzes the regulatory stance of the government towards this emerging asset class, and assesses the potential impact of cryptocurrencies on the stability and efficiency of Uzbekistan’s financial system. By examining these key aspects, this study provides valuable insights into the implications of cryptocurrency adoption for Uzbekistan’s asset market and broader economy.




How to Cite

Khаmdаmov S.-J., Nigora, A., & Nigora, A. (2024). Cryptocurrency Adoption in Uzbekistan: a Comprehensive Analysis of Regulatory Stance, Interest Rate, and Potential Impact on the Financial System. Miasto Przyszłości, 49, 1490–1493. Retrieved from