Decent Work and Economic Growth Boosting Employment and Economic Opportunities


  • Shoh-Jаkhon Khаmdаmov Associаte professort of the Internаtionаl school of Finаnce аnd Technology Institute
  • Anvar Usmanov Head of Sector of the Research Center under The Tashkent state University of Economics


Decent work, economic growth, employment opportunities, job creation, education, skill development, entrepreneurship, technological advancements, labor market, economic development, sustainable development


This paper explores strategies for promoting decent work and economic growth, focusing on boosting employment and expanding economic opportunities. It examines key factors influencing job creation and economic development, such as education, skill development, and supportive policies. The paper highlights the importance of creating an inclusive labor market, fostering entrepreneurship, and leveraging technological advancements. It also discusses the challenges faced, including automation, economic inequalities, and the need for sustainable development. By implementing comprehensive strategies, countries can enhance employment opportunities, stimulate economic growth, and improve overall quality of life.




How to Cite

Khаmdаmov S.-J. ., & Usmanov , A. . (2024). Decent Work and Economic Growth Boosting Employment and Economic Opportunities. Miasto Przyszłości, 50, 502–506. Retrieved from