Environmental and Legal Energy Security Matters of Protection


  • Khaitov Panji Bukharovich Independent researcher of the Department of "Ecological Law" of the Tashkent State Law University




In this article, opinions were expressed on the improvement and analysis of normative legal documents related to the national and international concept and system of issues of environmental and legal provision of energy security. Also, the most important issues related to the theory of environmental law, issues of environmental-legal provision of energy security and further development of the system were analyzed. Issues of ecological and legal provision of energy security were studied from the point of view of the problems of regulation of sources of energy rights, the national and international importance of the right of energy in the system of natural resources, and the origin of the right to use it in the framework of scientific research. Environmental and legal issues of energy security in the energy sector are implemented in certain forms and methods. Legal relations related to the issues of environmental and legal provision of energy security, the content of the norms aimed at their regulation, the nature and problems of their practical application, the management system in the field of national and international energy consumption and the issues of environmental and legal provision of energy security and the powers of management bodies are carried out in the following cases.




How to Cite

Khaitov Panji Bukharovich. (2024). Environmental and Legal Energy Security Matters of Protection. Miasto Przyszłości, 53, 620–624. Retrieved from https://miastoprzyszlosci.com.pl/index.php/mp/article/view/4897