Teaching Reading Professional Literature at Non-Linguistic Universities


  • Olima Akhatovna Khalilova The senior teacher of Foreign Language department, Karshi Engineering Economic Institute


reading, professional literature, non-linguistic, reading strategy, methods


Currently, increasing attention is being paid to the issues of teaching a foreign language as a language of professional interaction, in which reading original literature is considered as the main source of obtaining the latest information of a special nature, which helps to increase the level of professional competence of graduates of non-linguistic universities. With this approach, the article focuses on teaching a foreign language professionally oriented reading, since it becomes the most important component of teaching a foreign language in non-linguistic faculties.




How to Cite

Khalilova, O. A. . (2023). Teaching Reading Professional Literature at Non-Linguistic Universities. Miasto Przyszłości, 40, 478–484. Retrieved from https://miastoprzyszlosci.com.pl/index.php/mp/article/view/1851