Improving the Methodology of Preparing Future Specialists for Professional Activity in an Integrated Learning Environment


  • Xolikova Oyistaxon Yuldashevna Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacology, Fargona Public Health Medical Institute, Pharmaceutics Professor
  • Aminjonov Sardor Abdurasul o’gli Student of Group 70.22, 2nd Course, Fargona Public Health Medical Institute


professional training, traditional education, integrated education, theory, practice, professional activity, knowledge, skills, competencies, Hemis


The article defines the organizational and pedagogical model of ensuring the integration of theoretical and practical training based on the integration of professional training institutions around their own specialization, as well as the main tasks of ensuring theoretical and practical training integration in the educational process. In particular, attention is paid to improving the methodology of directing specialists in the field of pharmacy.




How to Cite

Yuldashevna , X. O. ., & Abdurasul o’gli , A. S. . (2024). Improving the Methodology of Preparing Future Specialists for Professional Activity in an Integrated Learning Environment. Miasto Przyszłości, 49, 1236–1238. Retrieved from